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Songye idol - African Antique Sculpture
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Songye idol- the masquerade man - Used to protect the masquerade menSize: 72cm , Weight:...
Songye idol - African Antique Sculpture
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Songye idolSize: 88cm , Weight: 3.5kg, Origin: DRC
Kibinda - African Antique Sculpture
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Kibinda - warrior of wars to represent the chokwe chief’s victory. The warrior is holding...
Nkishi idol - African Antique Sculpture
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Nkishi idol Size:17*91CM, Weight: 6.5 kg, Origin: DRC
Luba Maternity idol - African Antique Sculpture
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Luba Maternity idolSize:15*49CM, Weight: 5 kg, Origin: DRC
Songye Ndalamumba - African Antique Sculpture
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Songye NdalamumbaSize:44*21CM, Weight: 6 kg, Origin: DRC
Songye Luhuna Sulu - African Antique Sculpture
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songye Luhuna suluSize:18*47cm, Weight: 4 kg, Origin: DRC
Luba buli - African Antique Sculpture
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Luba buliSize:59*21cm, Weight: 5 kg, Origin: DRC
Songye bekalebwe - African Antique Sculpture
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Songye bekalebweSize:23*52cm, Weight: 5 kg, Origin: DRC
Robert Curio Shop
Hemba kalulombo - African Antique Sculpture
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Hemba kalulombo - Interceed on behalf of the people Size:54*20cm, Weight: 3 kg, Origin: DRC...
Kusu idol - African Antique Sculpture
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Kusu idol - To protect the community against evil spiritsSize:80*20cm, Weight: 7 kg, Origin: DRC
Robert Curio Shop
Hemba - African Antique Sculpture
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Hemba - To protect against evil spirits
Size:79*20cm, Weight: 6 kg, Origin: DRC
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