How do I sign up?
What can I sell on Mawu Africa?
Mawu is a crafts marketplace that celebrates the diverse creativity of African culture. We require merchants to list authentic crafts, locally sorced, artisan-made, eco-friendly and sustainable products made within the continent.
How do I get paid?
Available payment methods are; Paypal, wire transfer, mobile money
Ensure the respective payment details are set up in your mechant profile.
Payment are made after an order is delivered.
Are there any hidden charges if I sell on Mawu Africa?
No. There are no hidden charges when shopping on Mawu Africa.
Am I charged to sell?
Joining and opening a shop on Mawu Africa is free. You pick a plan when signing up. However, we do charge a 10% -18% commission based on the item value for every product sold.
How do I get notified of an order?
Order notifications are sent via the email. Choose an email you have access to on a daily when setting up your account
How much time do I have to ship an order?
When you get an order notification, you have up to 48hrs to drop off the order at our fulfilment center.
If product is made on order , ensure this is communicated in the product description.
Can I ship other orders sold outside your platform with Mawu Africa?
We offer free shipping services to all our sellers. This is for items purchased on our platform. For items sold by the seller independently, but needs help shipping, we extend this service to the seller as well at a fee.
Why were some of my product uploads rejected?
This could be due to many reasons which are always indicated on the email you get when the product is rejected. Some of them are;
1. Poor Image quality: Recommended Image should be 1024x1024 and fill 85%of the frame. Avoid watermarks and text on the image.
2. Busy Image background. Image background for the main product should be white. Other images can have different backgrounds
3. Inventory quantity. Indicate the number of items in stock. If the product has variants, indicate quanity available for each variant.
4. No or poor product description. Content that goes under product description is what sells your product. This is very key to covert customers. We have a guide here.
5. Image contains contact information such a phone number, email, social media handles or a logo
Can I send my product upload for reapproval?
Yes. Once you correct the issue with the product upload you can send it for reapproval.